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The Most Recent Free Issue of The Anglican

On behalf of the Society, please enjoy this free issue of The Anglican!  We hope you will enjoy and find it useful, and will consider a contribution to enable future quarterly issues to continue.  (Scroll down for the most recent issue.)

The Anglican is the quarterly and fully-refereed publication of The Anglican Society, and shares the Mission of the Society itself:  to promote and maintain the Catholic doctrine, discipline, and worship of the Episcopal Church in accordance with the principles and contents of the Book of Common Prayer and in the context of an on-going exploration and affirmation of Anglican identity and self-understanding.

To that end, we welcome submissions of scholarly articles, reflections, digitized artwork, poetry, and book reviews for consideration for publication.  All work will be reviewed by the Editor, and scholarly work will be refereed by appropriate members of our Editorial Board, with the Editor coordinating their reviews.   Please refer back in the future for a full editorial policy and style sheet.  Until then, submissions may be in standard Modern Language Association format, using footnotes rather than endnotes.  

Feel free to contact me with any questions, ideas, or comments regarding The Anglican or its contents.

Advent blessings abound!

(The Rev.)  Bob Solon, Jr.
The Anglican
Robert Solon Jr.,
Jul 9, 2014, 2:38 PM